Most Solar Companies Are Trying to Scam You. This One is Different.

It’s no secret that solar is the energy of the future, and each day more homeowners and commercial business owners look to make the switch. With hundreds of solar companies out there promising to save you money while doing your part for the planet, how do you choose?

Look no further for your answer. Ron Urban of Advanced Solar and Energy Solutions has led an extensive career in general contracting, electrical contracting, design, energy efficiency, and renewable energy for over 35 years. His well-rounded experience gives him a considerable edge over competitors, and he won’t just save you money, but make you money too!

Who is Ron Urban?

Before founding and becoming president of Advanced Solar and Energy Solutions, Ron built an impressive base in the Energy field. Straight out of school, he founded Tecron Electrical Contractors and Engineers, which later became the parent company too Electrical Concepts and Construction. There he specialized in design projects for schools and storage industries. He even owned and purchased properties for Harley Davidson.

All of Ron’s firms have executed complete design and build planning, as well as general contracting administration for commercial and industrial projects throughout New Jersey. Through close collaboration with architects and engineers, Urban has been able to develop complex projects from the early stages of conceptual drawings all the way to building and completion. As a professional consultant, he has experience as a planning board experts, land developer, electrical contractor, and building designer.

In 2010 Ron teamed up with former Renewable Energy Technical Director for New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program, launching Advanced Solar and Energy Solutions. Together they agreed that consumer education should be the cornerstone and founding principle of their business plan. Their team continues to educate clients about solar energy systems, energy efficiency upgrades, tax benefits, and financial options. Ron leads with these ideals when doing business with you, and has helped over 5 Million people and local business so far!

The bottom line is, anybody can sell and install solar power, but only Ron has the knowledge and experience to keep you informed about every detail, every step of the way. He is not here to scam you, he is here to set you up with the best system available, and maintain it so that you may get the most out of your money.

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Solar power is a form of renewable energy, and seems to be getting all of the attention, but it is important not to overlook the enormous difference that switching to energy efficient products (on top of converting to solar) can make. This company doesn’t just install solar panels, they can completely renovate your buildings with new, efficient products. Why do this? Well, converting could save you as much as 70% on your energy related bills. Trust me, after that, solar is just the icing on the cake.

How is this possible??

First Ron will personally meet with you and do a full assessment on your building and decide what your needs are. Quickly, he will be able to tell if your roof is losing you money, or your lights are obsolete.

The numbers don’t lie; here are some quick statistics that may blow your mind:

LED lighting saves you 80% when you make the switch from fluorescents.  A typical office space has 2×4 fluorescent light fixtures. These cost approximately $100 each per year in electricity…switch to high quality LED and that number drops to $20. Multiply that by thousands for a large building and you can really start to see the difference.

Another key thing here is quality; watch out for carpetbaggers trying to sell you low quality lighting. A good high quality LED light should run for 100,000 hours. That is approximately 20 years of not having to pay any maintenance fees on lighting! The perks add up don’t they?

Roofing is another surprising area you can save tons of money, and it may not be why you think. Most businesses are hesitant to put out the expense for a new roof because most companies will “drop and ditch”, leaving you with a low quality roof that leaks within a year or two.

Advanced Solar and Energy Solutions will maintain any and all products they install, giving you peace of mind.

Ron did the research to make sure that his roofing solutions are the best around. After talking to a professional engineer working for a large pharmaceutical company, he found the ideal roof. They studied 160 roofs and determined that Foam GE Silicone Roofing was the most cost and energy efficient. For example, Ron took a job in Jersey City in which he roofed a 160,000 square foot, one floor warehouse building with this high quality, insulating product. Heating and Cooling costs dropped by 60%! For this company, their yearly costs dropped from $100,000 to $40,000.

His goal is to switch all heating to electric, especially in warehouse businesses with already low heating costs, and he is here to teach business owners how.

What sets Advanced Solar and Energy Solutions apart?

Working with this company could be a game changer. On top of growing the value of your business or home, you could create a new revenue stream through energy efficiency.

30+ years of experience in design and build is what gives him the edge over solar competitors. He looks at every piece of the puzzle.

The chance that you will be ripped off by traditional “solar guys” is way too high. With Ron Urban, every job he installs comes with a warranty and maintenance guarantee for 20+ years.

You will never be left on your own, helpless and in a position where you now need to spend more money for repairs.

Recently Ron received a call from a large winery in New Jersey with two major solar systems installed by another company. They were calling to have someone check on the systems, as the business that installed the systems were providing no assistance or after-care. Ron quickly discovered that one of the systems hadn’t been running since 2011! Larger companies with separate accounting departments can’t be expected to know where their electric bills should be at all the time. This is why Ron does this monitoring for you, ensuring that your systems are always in working order and providing you with the highest savings possible.

One thing you know you are getting when you choose Advanced Solar and Energy Solutions, is transparency. Ron Urban spells everything out for you, every step of the way. He even has “The Book of Ron”, a detailed account of everything his company will do for you, their guarantees, and important financing information.

Ron makes it easy. He handles all filing and calculations, and will always put it in your name and ensure that you understand every step of the process.

Now we all know that property tax is a major concern in New Jersey. Switching to energy efficient systems will increase the value of your property, but this will only help you in the long run. After you new systems are paid off, they will make you money. Due to New Jersey clean energy initiatives, your town will not increase your taxes if the increase in property value is due to energy efficiency upgrades. Ron will handle all paperwork in these processes to make sure that you get the most out of the deal.


When Kim of Excel Plumbing and Heating in Landing, NJ first considered using Advanced Solar and Energy Solutions, she was hesitant, but it didn’t take her long to realize she had made the right choice by going with them for her solar needs. Her electric bill used to be anywhere from $700-$1,000 monthly for her machine shops and high-usage offices. Now she pays NOTHING. She no longer has anything to worry about when it comes to paying her electric bills and leaves them on auto-pay. She believes Ron met every promise he made in his book and is thankful for the added benefits such as tax incentives and solar credit. Her overall review, “Everyone should have it.”

Here is another example for you. Let’s say you own a business and keep the temperature at 68 degrees fahrenheit at all times. Before converting with Bub Urban, you paid $600 a month on your electric bill; now you pay $0 and earn $250 every month in solar energy tax credit.

Advanced Solar and Energy Solutions

“The Book of Ron”

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